Honour Killing is the latest fade in India and almost tops the list of existing social evils. After the so called encounter deaths, Honour Killings are the in-thing. Indians are very good at picking up and emulating bad things and that is exactly what has been happening in the last few years

Honour killing is a death punishment given to someone by the family of the local panchayat or villagers for bringing shame to the family, clan or the village. It was earlier being used as a local punishment for someone who was a serial crimnal, a thief, a conspirater, a rapist or a murderer. But gradually its significance got diluted and it is being used for trivial crimes like eve teasing,wearing western clothes, girls mingling with boys, love affairs, love between children of lower and upper castes,inter caste or intra gotra marraiges, marraiages within the family in outside muslims, premarital sex, getting pregnant before marriage .These were always considered bad but the maximum punishment for these to those concerned and their families was out casting actual or virtual (hukka –pani band hona) and payment of some fine in form of money or a feast to the whole village.

Some where someone killed the accused, intensionaly or unintentionaly, and it gave way to the introduction of this most gruesome form of punishment .Its popularity has spread like fire, and now almost daily you hear about atlaest one or two such deaths. Many have happened, right under the nose of the police and in the knowledge of the guardians of law and order. It is even more disgusting to see that it is not only the villagers but often the family, including the parents are party to it. It is also being mis used as encounter deaths have been exploited in the past. On many occasions, deaths under shady circumstances are being given the name of honour killing and on the other side, well planned homicides to take revenge or to set even some past rivalry, and are being presented as honour killing too.

To my small brains,Arushi murder case looks like honour killing too. The case has been lingering since long and has again come to light, after its recent closure and immediate reopening, with parents being the prime suspects. Both the parents of Arushi were involved in some form of unwanted activities which may be extra marital affair, group sex or even wife swapping. In their busy professional schedule and the other activities, there was little time they could devote to Arushi, who was mostly alone at home with the servant. In this scenario she probably found a listener in the servant who later became a friend. She and probably even the servant were aware of the nefarious activities of the parents. And the parents knew about this and use to lock Arushi’s room at night, though she could open it. In these circumstances what I think that would have happened on that fateful night may have been as follows

Arushi would have let the servant in the room, and on whatever pretext, they had sex.the parents heard the noise and entered the room. Seeing what was happening or had happened, the father killed the servant in rage, instantaneuosly with a golf stick. When Arushi would have reacted to it, and when her parents confronted her, she would have brought forth their activities. This would have angered the father more and in his rage, fear, embarrasment and reaction to Arushi’s indulgence with the servant, he killed her too and then tried to cover up the case and destroy all evidence

Wheather it was an Honour killing or not, time and law alone will tell, but this case and the presently prevalent honor killings are inter related and point fingers towards parents. Parents need to be more serious about parenting and careful about the upbringing of the child and try to ensure that no such unwarranted incident happens that may precipice the need of a judgment or punishment which may be as cruel as death. And when judging the children, teenagers or younsters,th elders and specially the family members and parents should at least once think, of what they are going to do. Parents give life, don’t take it and hence the very idea of them being party to the killing of their child or even being a silent observer is so repulsively oxymoronish.The other day, I stopped watching my favorite TV serial, when someone in it, hit his grown up daughter and so I and probably every normal loving parent would condemn this and put in all their endeavors to stop this social evil that is bringing disgrace in name of honour

Col ( Prof ) Sanjay Kapoor

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