emotions, friendship, GENDERS, interpersonal relationship, itrapersonal relationship, Life, love, Marriage, movies, relationships, social trends, society
Males Bond !! After a row of nonsensical movies, it was a real respites and a great delight watching ZNMD ! Hindi cinema has come a long way from the time when a simple love story or a love triangle was presented in four hours ending with marriage or death of the second hero, to a time where the stress is not on the story, but on life, emotion and above all inter and intrapersonal relationships. The stories today in good movies are real, which raise questions in one’s mind and give answers to many queries of one’s life. ZNMD is another such movie revolving around the lives of three friends .Based on similar lines of that of Dil chahta hai & Three idiots, somewhere this, seemed to touch the…
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attitude, interpersonal relationship, itrapersonal relationship, Marriage, relationships, Sex, social trends
The population on the net world or the virtual world is increasing everyday and so is the insecurity and irritation of the remaining world which seems to be overreacting to social networking and Cyber-relationships Social Networking in any form is a healthy past time, if done without compromising on work and family .Its a great destressor and can be indulged into, at any place, without any major infrastructure. It is not only a great and simple means of staying in touch with family, relatives and friends but one not only makes a large number of new virtual friends, who often become real friends, but gets aware of what’s happening in the world. You can voice your thoughts, discuss problems and express your views. Doing this often solves many personal issues…
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attitude, emotions, friendship, GENDERS, interpersonal relationship, itrapersonal relationship, love, Marriage, relationships, Sex, social trends
THE MISUNDERSTOOD MALE !!!!!!!!!!! Since the time of Adam and Eve, there have been certain misconceptions about the Men! The general image, on man has always that of a emotionless ,ruthless, unromantic, insensitive and irresponsible human being, who loves to be left to himself, or with his male friends ,to enjoy his sports and TV and hates going out, partying and shopping, who is having a ball of a time, in the family, at the cost of the women, and all that this sex-maniac expects from a woman is sex and more sex!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With all my sincere regards to all the caring, sensitive and emotional ladies, and my respect for their concerned love ,I shall try to touch this eternal story of the GENDER MYTHS ,and at least try to…
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attitude, bringing up children, emotions, GENDERS, interpersonal relationship, itrapersonal relationship, Kids and teenagers, love, relationships, social trends, society
DADDY -O-DADDY ! It is heartening to see that a day has been earmarked for dads as well,as Fathers day,as there is a Mothers Day !   The role of a father in a child's life has gone a revolutionary change in the last two decades or so,and has almost broken the water tight compartmentalization,that existed between the roles of mom and dad !   But  be it his previous role,or the new avtaar,one person and relation,that has been the biggest victim of the gender bias,has been the Father !And this has come down since eternity,in mythology,literature,stories and poetry.Even Bollywood has not been left behind in this discrimination,as while there are innumerable movies and songs on Ma ki mamta,there are hardly any on Pita ka pyaar !   Without undermining…
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emotions, GENDERS, interpersonal relationship, itrapersonal relationship, love, relationships
Knowing yourself is the initial mandatory requirement,rather than loving oneself,before you love another To love self or to love someone else,it is essential that one knows oneself well, The knowledge of our strengths,our weaknesses,our capability of adjustments,sharing, cooperation and our ability to accept the others is the basic reqirement to start any relationship, We must know the expectations we have,if any ,in that relationship and our limitations to go into a relationship with someone supirior or less privelaged than us,without getting complexed For this interoception and spending time with oneself,analysing ones own views is a must. Loving oneself can follow but only after we know ourselves well and this should be done cautiously,Loving oneself without knowing self can be dangerous.Once we start loving ourselves then it becomes difficult to adjust…
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