bringing up children, jobs and careers, Kids and teenagers, Life, social trends, society
WHERE ARE WE HEADING TO? In the race to modernize, the present generation is drifting away from our rich culture and Mythology, a fact very well observed by Mallika Sarabhai( Cat with a Nose Ring, THE WEEK, Aug 12,2012) Westernization started about five decades back and in fact in the seventies, one of the very common topics for essays in examinations used to “Westernization-A Curse or a Boon” and since then we have been running nonstop to unidentified destinations and for a new identity .We have been running nonstop and without seeing back and in fact have gone very far, to a stage where the present generation is hardly Indian and in fact have an identity crisis as they definitely don’t have an exclusive new identity. What they have ,is…
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Kids and teenagers, love, Marriage, relationships, religion, Sex, social trends
ARUSHI MURDER CASE--------------HONOUR KILLING !!!!!!!!! Honour Killing is the latest fade in India and almost tops the list of existing social evils. After the so called encounter deaths, Honour Killings are the in-thing. Indians are very good at picking up and emulating bad things and that is exactly what has been happening in the last few years Honour killing is a death punishment given to someone by the family of the local panchayat or villagers for bringing shame to the family, clan or the village. It was earlier being used as a local punishment for someone who was a serial crimnal, a thief, a conspirater, a rapist or a murderer. But gradually its significance got diluted and it is being used for trivial crimes like eve teasing,wearing western clothes, girls…
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Kids and teenagers, Sex, Sexuality and Sexual Trends, social trends
Pre Teenage Sex -Is official now !!!!!!!! I am not a very avid newspaper reader, but do go through the first and Editorial pages and that too in the afternoon.How ever I do glance through the headlines, as I gulp down my morning milk shake every day. Today I almost choked over it, when I read that in Chennai the state has submitted a bill to legalize sex at the age of 12. Even me, who considers himself very open minded and who dares to discuss the unspoken, in all forums, was really shocked. I have always supported sex education, by the right person, in phased manner, at right time to right extent, but this is something I could never imagine in my wildest of dreams. While we are still…
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attitude, bringing up children, emotions, GENDERS, interpersonal relationship, itrapersonal relationship, Kids and teenagers, love, relationships, social trends, society
DADDY -O-DADDY ! It is heartening to see that a day has been earmarked for dads as well,as Fathers day,as there is a Mothers Day !   The role of a father in a child's life has gone a revolutionary change in the last two decades or so,and has almost broken the water tight compartmentalization,that existed between the roles of mom and dad !   But  be it his previous role,or the new avtaar,one person and relation,that has been the biggest victim of the gender bias,has been the Father !And this has come down since eternity,in mythology,literature,stories and poetry.Even Bollywood has not been left behind in this discrimination,as while there are innumerable movies and songs on Ma ki mamta,there are hardly any on Pita ka pyaar !   Without undermining…
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Kids and teenagers, Sex, Sexuality and Sexual Trends, social trends
VIRGINITY REVISITED!!!!!!!   Shoba De's article Purity rings and Palin's problem has raised three issues.Was virginity dead?The perils of experimental teenage sex and the need of sex education.   Its heartening to see the welcome comeback of chastity in the western world,and I strongly believe that virginity never died in India and I would rather say that there hasn't been any significant change in the virginity status of the youngsters in the recent years. Virginity,though always considered to be a middle class issue,has had and has its followers,in significant numbers Being modern does not mean disregarding virginity! The youth today is liberated,independent,experimental and adventurous,but the values have not vanished. In fact the education has given them more discretion and a since of responsibility,not to the society,or the family but to themselves and…
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bringing up children, Kids and teenagers
13 is 18 - To be treated as 21   The kids at 13 today,are better informed,freer,more open to friendships,less intolerant and more environmentally and politically aware than yesterdays18-year-olds.You can say 13 is the new 18!   But this premature entry into maturity,cannot be really rejoiced since it has not come free and is with a several drawbacks! The main reasons for a 13 year old child,behaving that of 18,has been the exposure to the TV,internet,the world in general and above all the changing attitude of elders specially the parents,who interact with the child more like an individual,than a kid who needs to be mastered and dealt with a distant strictness.   The children are entering adulthood,before time ,at the cost of their childhood and even teens at times.The child has…
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