emotions, GENDERS, love, relationships
Changing emotions   Emotions in relationships, are undergoing an obvious change these days, with a sense of casualness creeping in, specially in some women, who think that they should treat men as they are ,  carefree, unreliable and unemotional, a reputation that they have unluckily had since eternity!      The women who get into these temporary relations, where they use men and company as a post-dinner commodity, to be used and discarded are confused and insecure. In their new Avtaar of liberated women, they really don’t know what they want from a relation or from a man, they are doing this just for the heck of it and there is nothing emotional about it.    The emotions of a man have always been misunderstood. Men are as emotional as…
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attitude, bringing up children, emotions, GENDERS, interpersonal relationship, itrapersonal relationship, Kids and teenagers, love, relationships, social trends, society
DADDY -O-DADDY ! It is heartening to see that a day has been earmarked for dads as well,as Fathers day,as there is a Mothers Day !   The role of a father in a child's life has gone a revolutionary change in the last two decades or so,and has almost broken the water tight compartmentalization,that existed between the roles of mom and dad !   But  be it his previous role,or the new avtaar,one person and relation,that has been the biggest victim of the gender bias,has been the Father !And this has come down since eternity,in mythology,literature,stories and poetry.Even Bollywood has not been left behind in this discrimination,as while there are innumerable movies and songs on Ma ki mamta,there are hardly any on Pita ka pyaar !   Without undermining…
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love, relationships, Sex, Sexuality and Sexual Trends, social trends
The world seems to be overreacting to Cyber-relationships Being naughty and glad-eye is normal human nature. Flirting or even sex-chatting is not infidility,The spouses, mainly wives are just getting scared due to insecurity, Every individual, married or single has right to his of her emotional, romantic and sexual fantacies.The last two of these  will normally not have the spouse in it, Net gives an outlet to these fantasies. It’s as harmless as watching or reading pornography. Net cannot be blamed for extramarital affairs, as persons inclined to it, will indulge in it, irrespective of net-sex. People indulging in net-chat to any extent, can be sincere spouses and those not practicing it, are not above infidelity. So. spouses crying and worrying over the fear of loosing their life partners to the net-freind,…
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friendship, love, relationships, social trends
THE STORY OF VALENTINE'S DAY Every February, across the country, candy, flowers, and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. But who is this mysterious saint and why do we celebrate this holiday? The history of Valentine's Day — and its patron saint — is shrouded in mystery. But we do know that February has long been a month of romance. St. Valentine's Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. So, who was Saint Valentine and how did he become associated with this ancient rite? Today, the Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were martyred. One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the…
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love, movies
Whose  Devdas is it ?   Devdas has been discussed and mentioned in discussions on Bollywood,and in connection with jilted lovers,or failed love affairs,for over five decades now.Besides reading about him in  Sharatchand Chatterjees novel,we saw him in four  films, two of which went ahead to become  almost immortal, the one of Dilip Kumars and  the  extravaganza of Leela Bhansali,and now we have another adaptation of Devdas,the DEV D. At this juncture, it becomes relevant to introspect and see as to what made Devdas, so important and famous, atleast in Indian folk lure, like Romeo and Majnu! Few pertinent questions that come to my mind are, who is Devdas, whom does he represent or infact, what is Devdas?       Devdas is no longer a character from a novel or…
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emotions, GENDERS, interpersonal relationship, itrapersonal relationship, love, relationships
Knowing yourself is the initial mandatory requirement,rather than loving oneself,before you love another To love self or to love someone else,it is essential that one knows oneself well, The knowledge of our strengths,our weaknesses,our capability of adjustments,sharing, cooperation and our ability to accept the others is the basic reqirement to start any relationship, We must know the expectations we have,if any ,in that relationship and our limitations to go into a relationship with someone supirior or less privelaged than us,without getting complexed For this interoception and spending time with oneself,analysing ones own views is a must. Loving oneself can follow but only after we know ourselves well and this should be done cautiously,Loving oneself without knowing self can be dangerous.Once we start loving ourselves then it becomes difficult to adjust…
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friendship, love, relationships
 Commitment doesnt mean surrendering personalities !   each of us are unique and have the right to live lives our way,within the norms of society and without depriving others of their rights or hurting dear and near ones being differant does not mean being indifferant we can luv each other without aping the person we luv we need our breathing space  Sometimes we feel relationships are all about supporting each other in times of need. That's what friends and family are for, we think. But there are times when we go overboard in our expectations. We expect their lives to hinge on our feelings and opinions. For instance, you've been ill for a while now. Is it fair to expect your family and friends to do little other than rally…
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love, relationships
LOVE Love may be undefined but it is thee supreme emotion Its definition may wary from person to person and from time to time but it has remained the final destination of all relationships Love is togetherness,companionship,freindship,acceptance,tolerance,adjustment and commitment. Love is the best thing that can happen to a person,an experience which is sublime and eternal. Love is beyond age,gender,class,religion or creed. It is beyond the manmade social and geographic boundaries Love is a state where the mere thought of the loved one brings emmence pleasure Love is complete in itself and needs no rules or promises Love is erotic,sexy , orgasmic and the ultimate source of everlasting happiness Love is life
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love, relationships, Sex, Sexuality and Sexual Trends
BENEFITS OF SEX   sex is the most wonderful thing besides being most exciting and entertaining,it has innumerable benefits   its the best relaxation its the best sedative,to give a sound sleep it releases tension it burns calories and so is a good substitute to workout--hence sexercise its the best way to patch up its the best way to say sorry its the best way to end a bad day its the best way to end a GOOD day its the best way to start a day good sex at night leads to a pleasant day and a pleasant day leads to good sex at night,and the cycle goes on   regular sex decreases chances of heart attacks hormones secreted during sex keep cells young and skin healthy   sex…
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love, relationships
Soul fractures are more common than the routine injuries and almost all of us must have experienced them at various stages of life,in varying intensities.To treat them too,is a more difficult task than to tackle the routine bony injuries.Though the common notion is to relate to a soul fracture being caused by a lover, it may be from any soul mate. Such a breach in relationships may be from spouses,siblings,parents,children,friends,teachers, students or anyone for that matter.This is one ailment where the good old proverb of - prevention better than cure,is most aptly suited.I suggest the following to prevent heartbreaks or soul fractures in any relationship . Add meaning to everyrelationship--dont have a relationship for the sake of social commitment.Make friends in relatives and make relatives in friends Give time - let…
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