  DONT HANG THE DOC !!   I seriously wonder ,why the Doctors are always blamed when it comes to improper health care of the country.(The Doctor only knows Economics-Outlook, Feb 18,2013) I would like to emphasise here, that the doctor plays a very small role in the medical care being rendered, its cost and availability. Most of the time, the doctors ,are  struggling themselves ,where ever they are working, to execute their duty to provide proper treatment............! Planning the medical care and setting the infrastructure is the responsibility of the government and most of the corporate hospitals are owned and run by non medicos, who decide not only the rates of the treatment but even the list of basic investigations and its sequencing. The complete medical fraternity cannot be…
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medicine, social trends
WHY ONLY DOCs !!!!!! Doctors at one time were considered Demi Gods and many patients do so now too, but the reputation, status and respect for doctors is gradually deteriorating in the society .It is doubly sad to read and hear about this, firstly because the blame for all the faux pas of my profession, are put on the fragile shoulders of the Doctors and secondly all the doctors are considered to be same, The situation is so bad that the integrity of a doctor is compared to that of a lawyer or a policeman In spite of being a very ardent believer and preacher of the principle, that every doctor should respect the faith ,that the patient, imposes on him or her, specially in a surgeon, in handing over…
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health services, jobs and careers, medicine, society
  WHY ONLY DOCs !!!!!!   It was doubly sad to read the article 10 Common Most Medical Mistakes (India today,Feb 16,2009) ,firstly because it highlighted the faux pas of my profession,and secondly or rather more intensely,since all the blame was put on the fragile shoulders of the Doctors!   In spite of being a very ardent believer and preacher of the principle,that every doctor should respect the faith ,that the patient,imposes on him or her,specially in a surgeon,in handing over one self,in a state of anesthesia to be cut(operated) ,I cannot resist but put forward my views ,to defend the doctors.   We should all understand that,the doctor is,just a very small part of any medical set-up,be it private or government,and is often as helpless and  harassed as the patient,if not…
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