love, Marriage, relationships, Sex, social trends
MARRIAGE, DIVORCE & LIVE-IN-RELATIONSHIPS Relationships are one of my favorite topics for writing and the above three cover most of the aspects of relationships. Though I have written on these on several occasions, I decided to discus them, together and at length, in response to a short statement, recently made by Sonu Nigam. He said, “The truth is that marriage is never a happy story. You can never be happily married and I say this openly. In the next 100 years, there will be no marriages. There will be contracts and that’s better that way because the killer of a marriage is security. The moment the woman or the man feels secure ke ab toh ye mere saath mein hai oh! She is going to be with me for her…
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love, relationships, Sex, Sexuality and Sexual Trends, social trends
The world seems to be overreacting to Cyber-relationships Being naughty and glad-eye is normal human nature. Flirting or even sex-chatting is not infidility,The spouses, mainly wives are just getting scared due to insecurity, Every individual, married or single has right to his of her emotional, romantic and sexual fantacies.The last two of these  will normally not have the spouse in it, Net gives an outlet to these fantasies. It’s as harmless as watching or reading pornography. Net cannot be blamed for extramarital affairs, as persons inclined to it, will indulge in it, irrespective of net-sex. People indulging in net-chat to any extent, can be sincere spouses and those not practicing it, are not above infidelity. So. spouses crying and worrying over the fear of loosing their life partners to the net-freind,…
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GENDERS, Sex, Sexuality and Sexual Trends, social trends
Long way to go !   Its a bit too early to celebrate the cause of gays and lesbians in attaining an identity in India. The  Gay Parades held at Mumbai and Delhi in quick succession last year,were successful ,but not as it was expected   It had more of fanfare than the cause,and this is the fear for such events in future too. The cause of creating an awareness about the rights of gays,should not get diluted by the glamour show ! The battle should not become more important than the goal !! The Gay parade should not become carnivals and above all the darkness around the gays should not get overshadowed by the presence of glitterati!!!!   The biggest surprise is to see that Homosexuals(gays) and transsexuals(Hijras) are clubbed…
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love, relationships, Sex, Sexuality and Sexual Trends
BENEFITS OF SEX   sex is the most wonderful thing besides being most exciting and entertaining,it has innumerable benefits   its the best relaxation its the best sedative,to give a sound sleep it releases tension it burns calories and so is a good substitute to workout--hence sexercise its the best way to patch up its the best way to say sorry its the best way to end a bad day its the best way to end a GOOD day its the best way to start a day good sex at night leads to a pleasant day and a pleasant day leads to good sex at night,and the cycle goes on   regular sex decreases chances of heart attacks hormones secreted during sex keep cells young and skin healthy   sex…
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Sex, Sexuality and Sexual Trends, social trends
CUT OUT THE GORY DETAILS, PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Its good to see that over the last decade or so,the media has taken the lead not only to utter the forbidden three letter word -SEX,but  that too at length,but most of the gory details in the Cover story-Sex on the Run(OUTLOOK-Jan 26,2009) could definitely be dropped!   OUTLOOK is a family magazine,and if a person like me,who is quite uninhibited,can feel a little uncomfortable going through the article,I can very much understand the reaction of the other readers.And besides this,those details are actually not required to put the message across.If we are discussing the changing sexual trends in the country,then the issue can be well addressed without the much unwanted data,on who does what,when and how ! The inclusion of data on…
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Kids and teenagers, Sex, Sexuality and Sexual Trends, social trends
VIRGINITY REVISITED!!!!!!!   Shoba De's article Purity rings and Palin's problem has raised three issues.Was virginity dead?The perils of experimental teenage sex and the need of sex education.   Its heartening to see the welcome comeback of chastity in the western world,and I strongly believe that virginity never died in India and I would rather say that there hasn't been any significant change in the virginity status of the youngsters in the recent years. Virginity,though always considered to be a middle class issue,has had and has its followers,in significant numbers Being modern does not mean disregarding virginity! The youth today is liberated,independent,experimental and adventurous,but the values have not vanished. In fact the education has given them more discretion and a since of responsibility,not to the society,or the family but to themselves and…
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Sex, Sexuality and Sexual Trends, social trends
VIRGINITY IS NOT DEAD !   I vehimentanly disagree with the facts and figures presented now and then,showing increased loss of premarital virginity! These may have been the results from a small section of society from a small area,but the sentiments expressed are not the views held by the Indian population in general I would rather say that there hasn't been any significant change in the virginity status of the youngsters in the recent years,if it hasn't increased from yester years! Virginity,though always considered to be a middle class issue,has had and has its followers,in significant numbers Being modern does not mean disregarding virginity! The youth today is liberated,independent,experimental and adventurous,but the values have not vanished. In fact the education has given them more discretion and a sence of responsibility,not to the…
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Sex, Sexuality and Sexual Trends
Sex Education is the need of the hour !   Though its an age of sexplosion,where sex has entered every phase of life,from books to magazines,TV to cinema,music to internet and even in the common lingo,true knowledge of sex amongst kids and youngsters is far from adequate,and infact abysmal (Lets talk About Sex Education-STOI,21 Dec,2008) There is a significant lack of sexual awareness,even about the basic essentials like,the anatomy,physiology,sexual changes,sexuality,reproduction and contraception,and shockingly this is not only amongst the children of the rural background,but even amongst the educated,gown -ups,marriageable or even married people,who have access to all the books,literature and the net   And we all are to be blamed for this,as we cannot  decide the extent,to which the children are to be made aware of issues pertaining to sex.And we are…
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Sex, Sexuality and Sexual Trends
SEXPLOSION!!!!!!!!!!! Sex and sexuality have  coexisted with mankind ever since Adam and Eve.The definition,significance and expression of it has however changed from time to time and from person to person.While sex is majorly accepted by most as the ultimate expression of love and the eternal bonding between man and woman,for some it may be a one-night-stand or even a forgetable quicky lasting a few minutes. Premarital and extramarital,or rather any form of sex have existed since time immemorial. There hasn't been any significant actual increase in these Two major changes have however occurred recently. Firstly people have shun their orthodox inhibitions about sex and the  discussions of sex indulgence have become common at workplace,in coffee-table-magazines,in chat-shows or even across the dining table at home.The second major change that has occurred is that while…
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