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It was a pleasure to learn that Akhilesh Tiwari was making a movie on the erstwhile famous and popular Mastram !(Elusive Erotica –THE WEEK,April 13,2014)

Mastram was one of the most popular names with which all youngsters of yester years have grown and the mastram series of books were the first to introduce and welcome every normal young man to the ever existing vast world of porn literature.


From sixties to nineties and may be before and after that, Mastrams were read in every professional college, much more than the course books and had an unparalleled contributions in bringing alive the erotic imagination of every youngster. Besides giving immense pleasure Mastram successfully created a sense of bonding and groupfun, better than any other means or activity! A single page of the picture less simple or rather poor print of crudest hindi, on shabby paper, could do wonders and beat even several Playboys hollow due to its vivid realistic and relateable imagination.


Am sure all would eagerly wait for the movie to hit the theatres and would be worth tracking the story of Mastram who has been the source of unexplainable pleasure to generations of this country .All the best in advance to the movie


Dr sanjay,Delhi

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