love, relationships
Soul fractures are more common than the routine injuries and almost all of us must have experienced them at various stages of life,in varying intensities.To treat them too,is a more difficult task than to tackle the routine bony injuries.Though the common notion is to relate to a soul fracture being caused by a lover, it may be from any soul mate. Such a breach in relationships may be from spouses,siblings,parents,children,friends,teachers, students or anyone for that matter.This is one ailment where the good old proverb of - prevention better than cure,is most aptly suited.I suggest the following to prevent heartbreaks or soul fractures in any relationship . Add meaning to everyrelationship--dont have a relationship for the sake of social commitment.Make friends in relatives and make relatives in friends Give time - let…
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Economy, Financial frauds, Scans
FINANCIAL BLAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   The 7000 Crore Satyam Fraud has not only tarnished the very meaning of Satyam,the first of the three words describing GOD,himself(Satyam,Shivam ,Sundram) but has crashed and blasted all that stood in the name of truth,atleast in the eyes of the common man.   It may have not killed any,but its impact is akin to the aftermath of the Mumbai blasts,or even worst!The Mumbai Blasts left behind a perpetual scare in every mans mind,and this astonishing scandal besides leaving thousands jobless,and millions paupers,has created a great financial insecurity amongst the masses.   One has become accustomed over the last decade to scams running into hundreds and thousands of crores,but this is the Father of all Frauds,which has left the world numb,dumb and scaringly shocked!!!!!!! If the fraudulent accounts of…
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Kids and teenagers, Sex, Sexuality and Sexual Trends, social trends
VIRGINITY REVISITED!!!!!!!   Shoba De's article Purity rings and Palin's problem has raised three issues.Was virginity dead?The perils of experimental teenage sex and the need of sex education.   Its heartening to see the welcome comeback of chastity in the western world,and I strongly believe that virginity never died in India and I would rather say that there hasn't been any significant change in the virginity status of the youngsters in the recent years. Virginity,though always considered to be a middle class issue,has had and has its followers,in significant numbers Being modern does not mean disregarding virginity! The youth today is liberated,independent,experimental and adventurous,but the values have not vanished. In fact the education has given them more discretion and a since of responsibility,not to the society,or the family but to themselves and…
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Sex, Sexuality and Sexual Trends, social trends
VIRGINITY IS NOT DEAD !   I vehimentanly disagree with the facts and figures presented now and then,showing increased loss of premarital virginity! These may have been the results from a small section of society from a small area,but the sentiments expressed are not the views held by the Indian population in general I would rather say that there hasn't been any significant change in the virginity status of the youngsters in the recent years,if it hasn't increased from yester years! Virginity,though always considered to be a middle class issue,has had and has its followers,in significant numbers Being modern does not mean disregarding virginity! The youth today is liberated,independent,experimental and adventurous,but the values have not vanished. In fact the education has given them more discretion and a sence of responsibility,not to the…
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GENDERS, social trends
the male show  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!    I am surprised and disagree with the inclusion of Guys and Skin Show,in the list of odd couplesin the latest issue of THE WEEK<with a cover story on odd Couples ! By doing so,we sem to be going against Gender Equality! If the men get their share of entertainment with sizzling Suzis setting the screen on fire,why should the woman be deprived of seeing their favorite heroes bare chested or better still,draped in a slippery towel??????????? Aren't Playgirl magazines as popular as Playboys? And aren't the Feminas and Cosmopolitans as vivid a guide as Kamasutra itself?? Though the  cabarets are on the decline and the dance bars closed,Kitty parties with full Monty are quite in vogue,specially in Mumbai! If woman can do all what men…
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bringing up children, Kids and teenagers
13 is 18 - To be treated as 21   The kids at 13 today,are better informed,freer,more open to friendships,less intolerant and more environmentally and politically aware than yesterdays18-year-olds.You can say 13 is the new 18!   But this premature entry into maturity,cannot be really rejoiced since it has not come free and is with a several drawbacks! The main reasons for a 13 year old child,behaving that of 18,has been the exposure to the TV,internet,the world in general and above all the changing attitude of elders specially the parents,who interact with the child more like an individual,than a kid who needs to be mastered and dealt with a distant strictness.   The children are entering adulthood,before time ,at the cost of their childhood and even teens at times.The child has…
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Sex, Sexuality and Sexual Trends
Sex Education is the need of the hour !   Though its an age of sexplosion,where sex has entered every phase of life,from books to magazines,TV to cinema,music to internet and even in the common lingo,true knowledge of sex amongst kids and youngsters is far from adequate,and infact abysmal (Lets talk About Sex Education-STOI,21 Dec,2008) There is a significant lack of sexual awareness,even about the basic essentials like,the anatomy,physiology,sexual changes,sexuality,reproduction and contraception,and shockingly this is not only amongst the children of the rural background,but even amongst the educated,gown -ups,marriageable or even married people,who have access to all the books,literature and the net   And we all are to be blamed for this,as we cannot  decide the extent,to which the children are to be made aware of issues pertaining to sex.And we are…
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Sex, Sexuality and Sexual Trends
SEXPLOSION!!!!!!!!!!! Sex and sexuality have  coexisted with mankind ever since Adam and Eve.The definition,significance and expression of it has however changed from time to time and from person to person.While sex is majorly accepted by most as the ultimate expression of love and the eternal bonding between man and woman,for some it may be a one-night-stand or even a forgetable quicky lasting a few minutes. Premarital and extramarital,or rather any form of sex have existed since time immemorial. There hasn't been any significant actual increase in these Two major changes have however occurred recently. Firstly people have shun their orthodox inhibitions about sex and the  discussions of sex indulgence have become common at workplace,in coffee-table-magazines,in chat-shows or even across the dining table at home.The second major change that has occurred is that while…
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TOO HARSH ON MEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I totally disagree with Shobha De's unwarranted accusation  that men personalize crisis .  . . and always think about themselves and about their immediate priorities! (The Sexes-THE WEEK,Dec 21,2008)   Being a great admirer of women,I cannot undermine the sincerity and concern of a lady,but saying that men are insensitive to happenings around them,is absolutely baseless.They may have their own ways of expressing,or showing concern,and may even not express it,but they definitely do not lack the sensitivity to any crisis,small or big! If getting into convulsive shrieks or hysterical reactions is being sensitive,then Sorry!,we,the men are not party to it.Men may continue doing whatever they are doing,be it a discussion,watching TV,having a drink or doing anything for that matter,but the concern is always there,and the necessary…
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